The next wave of Criminal AI is here…and there is nothing you can do about it…

Nick Ayton
8 min readNov 17, 2021
This person is a MIMIC

You’re going to be replaced by ‘mimics’ — software routines, Bots and insertions that already impersonate you…

I was on a Zoom call with someone the other day that I thought I recognised, but didn’t know that well. But then I was told it was a ‘mimic’? It was not a real person. A mimic? But at first I couldn’t see it? Then all of a sudden I could see…

Last week I was approach by a smart AI company that spots Deep Fakes, in other words they get behind the digital persona and find out who is behind a ‘Deep Fake’ host…? I have to say once you know what to look for there are clues, but the seams and joins are disappearing as ‘photo realistic’ copies are so good, as Unreal 5 can demonstrate — rapidly becoming the ‘go to tech’ for film makers and big studios.

CriminalAI’s are everywhere…

No seriously, I am not talking about politicians, not yet anyway. In many ways they, the politicians, started the concept of the deep fake industry — the art of looking sincere, talking a lot without saying anything. The body language looks genuine as they lie through their teeth, try to mislead as the training is very good. They spread false rhetoric with misleading…



Nick Ayton

Nick Ayton is a Polymath, Technologist, Filmmaker, Writer, Speaker